Usually, vendor of Hardware Development Kit (for small embedded applications) delivers ready-to-use SDK. See for instance ST, Nordic or Freedom. Inside such SDK there are number of modules: startup code, drivers, libraries, toolchains, sometimes there is already ported an OS and/or network stack. Usually the same SDK is shared between variety of products of the same vendor (for instance different boards based on the same SoC). However, vendors can favor a toolchain that you're not using at all. SDKs are indispensable in general, but what if you want to just light a LED on your board and don't want to dig into details of complex SDK? What if IDE for which projects are configured by default is not your favorite? Let's see what is actually minimal possible GCC setup for running K64F (Cortex M4) without all the legacy startup code like this (example from Kinetis SDK):
116 void SystemInit (void) { 117 #if ((__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)) 118 SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2) | (3UL << 11*2)); /* set CP10, CP11 Full Access */ 119 #endif /* ((__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)) */ 120 #if (DISABLE_WDOG) 121 /* WDOG->UNLOCK: WDOGUNLOCK=0xC520 */ 122 WDOG->UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(0xC520); /* Key 1 */ 123 /* WDOG->UNLOCK: WDOGUNLOCK=0xD928 */ 124 WDOG->UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(0xD928); /* Key 2 */ 125 /* WDOG->STCTRLH: ?=0,DISTESTWDOG=0,BYTESEL=0,TESTSEL=0,TESTWDOG=0,?=0,?=1,WAITEN=1,STOPEN=1,DBGEN=0,ALLOWUPDATE=1,WINEN=0,IRQRSTEN=0,CLKSRC=1,WDOGEN=0 */ 126 WDOG->STCTRLH = WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL(0x00) | 127 WDOG_STCTRLH_WAITEN_MASK | 128 WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_MASK | 129 WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_MASK | 130 WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_MASK | 131 0x0100U; 132 #endif /* (DISABLE_WDOG) */ 133 #ifdef CLOCK_SETUP 134 if((RCM->SRS0 & RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_MASK) != 0x00U) 135 { 136 if((PMC->REGSC & PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK) != 0x00U) 137 { 138 PMC->REGSC |= PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK; /* Release hold with ACKISO: Only has an effect if recovering from VLLSx.*/ 139 } 140 } else { 141 #ifdef SYSTEM_RTC_CR_VALUE 142 SIM_SCGC6 |= SIM_SCGC6_RTC_MASK; 143 if ((RTC_CR & RTC_CR_OSCE_MASK) == 0x00U) { /* Only if the OSCILLATOR is not already enabled */ 144 RTC_CR = (uint32_t)((RTC_CR & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)(RTC_CR_SC2P_MASK | RTC_CR_SC4P_MASK | RTC_CR_SC8P_MASK | RTC_CR_SC16P_MASK)) | (uint32_t)SYSTEM _RTC_CR_VALUE); 145 RTC_CR |= (uint32_t)RTC_CR_OSCE_MASK; 146 RTC_CR &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)RTC_CR_CLKO_MASK; 147 } 148 #endif 149 } 150 151 /* Power mode protection initialization */ 152 #ifdef SYSTEM_SMC_PMPROT_VALUE 153 SMC->PMPROT = SYSTEM_SMC_PMPROT_VALUE; 154 #endif 155 156 /* System clock initialization */ 157 /* Internal reference clock trim initialization */ 158 #if defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) 159 if ( *((uint8_t*)SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) != 0xFFU) { /* Skip if non-volatile flash memory is erased */ 160 MCG->C3 = *((uint8_t*)SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS); 161 #endif /* defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) */ 162 #if defined(SLOW_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS) 163 MCG->C4 = (MCG->C4 & ~(MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK)) | ((*((uint8_t*) SLOW_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS)) & MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK); 164 #endif 155 156 /* System clock initialization */ 157 /* Internal reference clock trim initialization */ 158 #if defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) 159 if ( *((uint8_t*)SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) != 0xFFU) { /* Skip if non-volatile flash memory is erased */ 160 MCG->C3 = *((uint8_t*)SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS); 161 #endif /* defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) */ 162 #if defined(SLOW_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS) 163 MCG->C4 = (MCG->C4 & ~(MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK)) | ((*((uint8_t*) SLOW_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS)) & MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK); 164 #endif 165 #if defined(FAST_TRIM_ADDRESS) 166 MCG->C4 = (MCG->C4 & ~(MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK)) |((*((uint8_t*) FAST_TRIM_ADDRESS)) & MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK); 167 #endif 168 #if defined(FAST_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS) 169 MCG->C2 = (MCG->C2 & ~(MCG_C2_FCFTRIM_MASK)) | ((*((uint8_t*)FAST_TRIM_ADDRESS)) & MCG_C2_FCFTRIM_MASK); 170 #endif /* defined(FAST_FINE_TRIM_ADDRESS) */ 171 #if defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) 172 } 173 #endif /* defined(SLOW_TRIM_ADDRESS) */ 174 175 /* Set system prescalers and clock sources */ 176 SIM->CLKDIV1 = SYSTEM_SIM_CLKDIV1_VALUE; /* Set system prescalers */ 177 SIM->SOPT1 = ((SIM->SOPT1) & (uint32_t)(~(SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK))) | ((SYSTEM_SIM_SOPT1_VALUE) & (SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK)); /* Set 32 kHz clock so urce (ERCLK32K) */ 178 SIM->SOPT2 = ((SIM->SOPT2) & (uint32_t)(~(SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL_MASK))) | ((SYSTEM_SIM_SOPT2_VALUE) & (SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL_MASK)); /* Selects the high fr equency clock for various peripheral clocking options. */ 179 #if ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FEI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FBI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPI)) 180 /* Set MCG and OSC */ 181 #if ((((SYSTEM_OSC_CR_VALUE) & OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_MASK) != 0x00U) || ((((SYSTEM_MCG_C5_VALUE) & MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK) != 0x00U) && (((SYSTEM_MCG_C7_VALUE) & MCG_C7_OSCSEL_MASK) == 0x00U))) 182 /* SIM_SCGC5: PORTA=1 */ 183 SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK; 184 /* PORTA_PCR18: ISF=0,MUX=0 */ 185 PORTA_PCR18 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)((PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x07))); 186 if (((SYSTEM_MCG_C2_VALUE) & MCG_C2_EREFS_MASK) != 0x00U) { 187 /* PORTA_PCR19: ISF=0,MUX=0 */ 188 PORTA_PCR19 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)((PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x07))); 189 } 190 #endif 191 MCG->SC = SYSTEM_MCG_SC_VALUE; /* Set SC (fast clock internal reference divider) */ 192 MCG->C1 = SYSTEM_MCG_C1_VALUE; /* Set C1 (clock source selection, FLL ext. reference divider, int. reference enable etc.) */ 193 /* Check that the source of the FLL reference clock is the requested one. */ 194 if (((SYSTEM_MCG_C1_VALUE) & MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK) != 0x00U) { 195 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) == 0x00U) { 196 } 197 } else { 198 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) != 0x00U) { 199 } 200 } 201 MCG->C2 = (MCG->C2 & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C2_FCFTRIM_MASK))) | (SYSTEM_MCG_C2_VALUE & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C2_LP_MASK))); /* Set C2 (freq. range, ext. and int. r eference selection etc. excluding trim bits; low power bit is set later) */ 202 MCG->C4 = ((SYSTEM_MCG_C4_VALUE) & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK | MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK))) | (MCG->C4 & (MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK | MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK)); /* Set C4 (FLL output; trim values not changed) */ 203 OSC->CR = SYSTEM_OSC_CR_VALUE; /* Set OSC_CR (OSCERCLK enable, oscillator capacitor load) */ 204 MCG->C7 = SYSTEM_MCG_C7_VALUE; /* Set C7 (OSC Clock Select) */ 205 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPI) 206 /* BLPI specific */ 207 MCG->C2 |= (MCG_C2_LP_MASK); /* Disable FLL and PLL in bypass mode */ 208 #endif 209 210 #else /* MCG_MODE */ 211 /* Set MCG and OSC */ 212 #if (((SYSTEM_OSC_CR_VALUE) & OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_MASK) != 0x00U) || (((SYSTEM_MCG_C7_VALUE) & MCG_C7_OSCSEL_MASK) == 0x00U) 213 /* SIM_SCGC5: PORTA=1 */ 214 SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK; 215 /* PORTA_PCR18: ISF=0,MUX=0 */ 216 PORTA_PCR18 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)((PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x07))); 217 if (((SYSTEM_MCG_C2_VALUE) & MCG_C2_EREFS_MASK) != 0x00U) { 218 /* PORTA_PCR19: ISF=0,MUX=0 */ 219 PORTA_PCR19 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)((PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x07))); 220 } 221 #endif 222 MCG->SC = SYSTEM_MCG_SC_VALUE; /* Set SC (fast clock internal reference divider) */ 223 MCG->C2 = (MCG->C2 & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C2_FCFTRIM_MASK))) | (SYSTEM_MCG_C2_VALUE & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C2_LP_MASK))); /* Set C2 (freq. range, ext. and int. r eference selection etc. excluding trim bits; low power bit is set later) */ 224 OSC->CR = SYSTEM_OSC_CR_VALUE; /* Set OSC_CR (OSCERCLK enable, oscillator capacitor load) */ 225 MCG->C7 = SYSTEM_MCG_C7_VALUE; /* Set C7 (OSC Clock Select) */ 226 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE) 227 MCG->C1 = (SYSTEM_MCG_C1_VALUE) | MCG_C1_CLKS(0x02); /* Set C1 (clock source selection, FLL ext. reference divider, int. reference enable etc.) - PBE m ode*/ 228 #else 229 MCG->C1 = SYSTEM_MCG_C1_VALUE; /* Set C1 (clock source selection, FLL ext. reference divider, int. reference enable etc.) */ 230 #endif 231 if ((((SYSTEM_MCG_C2_VALUE) & MCG_C2_EREFS_MASK) != 0x00U) && (((SYSTEM_MCG_C7_VALUE) & MCG_C7_OSCSEL_MASK) == 0x00U)) { 232 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK) == 0x00U) { /* Check that the oscillator is running */ 233 } 234 } 235 /* Check that the source of the FLL reference clock is the requested one. */ 236 if (((SYSTEM_MCG_C1_VALUE) & MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK) != 0x00U) { 237 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) == 0x00U) { 238 } 239 } else { 240 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) != 0x00U) { 241 } 242 } 243 MCG->C4 = ((SYSTEM_MCG_C4_VALUE) & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK | MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK))) | (MCG->C4 & (MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK | MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK)); / * Set C4 (FLL output; trim values not changed) */ 244 #endif /* MCG_MODE */ 245 246 /* Common for all MCG modes */ 247 248 /* PLL clock can be used to generate clock for some devices regardless of clock generator (MCGOUTCLK) mode. */ 249 MCG->C5 = (SYSTEM_MCG_C5_VALUE) & (uint8_t)(~(MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK)); /* Set C5 (PLL settings, PLL reference divider etc.) */ 250 MCG->C6 = (SYSTEM_MCG_C6_VALUE) & (uint8_t)~(MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK); /* Set C6 (PLL select, VCO divider etc.) */ 251 if ((SYSTEM_MCG_C5_VALUE) & MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK) { 252 MCG->C5 |= MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK; /* PLL clock enable in mode other than PEE or PBE */ 253 } 253 } 254 /* BLPE, PEE and PBE MCG mode specific */ 255 256 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPE) 257 MCG->C2 |= (MCG_C2_LP_MASK); /* Disable FLL and PLL in bypass mode */ 258 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE)) 259 MCG->C6 |= (MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK); /* Set C6 (PLL select, VCO divider etc.) */ 260 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK) == 0x00U) { /* Wait until PLL is locked*/ 261 } 262 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE) 263 MCG->C1 &= (uint8_t)~(MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK); 264 #endif 265 #endif 266 #if ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FEI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FEE)) 267 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x00U) { /* Wait until output of the FLL is selected */ 268 } 269 /* Use LPTMR to wait for 1ms dor FLL clock stabilization */ 270 SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK; /* Alow software control of LPMTR */ 271 LPTMR0->CMR = LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE(0); /* Default 1 LPO tick */ 272 LPTMR0->CSR = (LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK | LPTMR_CSR_TPS(0x00)); 273 LPTMR0->PSR = (LPTMR_PSR_PCS(0x01) | LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK); /* Clock source: LPO, Prescaler bypass enable */ 274 LPTMR0->CSR = LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK; /* LPMTR enable */ 275 while((LPTMR0_CSR & LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK) == 0u) { 276 } 277 LPTMR0_CSR = 0x00; /* Disable LPTMR */ 278 SIM_SCGC5 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK; 279 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FBI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPI)) 280 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x04U) { /* Wait until internal reference clock is selected as MCG output */ 281 } 282 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPE)) 283 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x08U) { /* Wait until external reference clock is selected as MCG output */ 284 } 285 #elif (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE) 286 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x0CU) { /* Wait until output of the PLL is selected */ 287 } 288 #endif 289 #if (((SYSTEM_SMC_PMCTRL_VALUE) & SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK) == (0x02U << SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT)) 290 SMC->PMCTRL = (uint8_t)((SYSTEM_SMC_PMCTRL_VALUE) & (SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK)); /* Enable VLPR mode */ 291 while(SMC->PMSTAT != 0x04U) { /* Wait until the system is in VLPR mode */ 292 } 293 #endif 294 295 #if defined(SYSTEM_SIM_CLKDIV2_VALUE) 296 SIM->CLKDIV2 = ((SIM->CLKDIV2) & (uint32_t)(~(SIM_CLKDIV2_USBFRAC_MASK | SIM_CLKDIV2_USBDIV_MASK))) | ((SYSTEM_SIM_CLKDIV2_VALUE) & (SIM_CLKDIV2_USBFRA C_MASK | SIM_CLKDIV2_USBDIV_MASK)); /* Selects the USB clock divider. */ 297 #endif 253 } 254 /* BLPE, PEE and PBE MCG mode specific */ 255 256 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPE) 257 MCG->C2 |= (MCG_C2_LP_MASK); /* Disable FLL and PLL in bypass mode */ 258 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE)) 259 MCG->C6 |= (MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK); /* Set C6 (PLL select, VCO divider etc.) */ 260 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK) == 0x00U) { /* Wait until PLL is locked*/ 261 } 262 #if (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE) 263 MCG->C1 &= (uint8_t)~(MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK); 264 #endif 265 #endif 266 #if ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FEI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FEE)) 267 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x00U) { /* Wait until output of the FLL is selected */ 268 } 269 /* Use LPTMR to wait for 1ms dor FLL clock stabilization */ 270 SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK; /* Alow software control of LPMTR */ 271 LPTMR0->CMR = LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE(0); /* Default 1 LPO tick */ 272 LPTMR0->CSR = (LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK | LPTMR_CSR_TPS(0x00)); 273 LPTMR0->PSR = (LPTMR_PSR_PCS(0x01) | LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK); /* Clock source: LPO, Prescaler bypass enable */ 274 LPTMR0->CSR = LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK; /* LPMTR enable */ 275 while((LPTMR0_CSR & LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK) == 0u) { 276 } 277 LPTMR0_CSR = 0x00; /* Disable LPTMR */ 278 SIM_SCGC5 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK; 279 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FBI) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPI)) 280 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x04U) { /* Wait until internal reference clock is selected as MCG output */ 281 } 282 #elif ((MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_FBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PBE) || (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_BLPE)) 283 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x08U) { /* Wait until external reference clock is selected as MCG output */ 284 } 285 #elif (MCG_MODE == MCG_MODE_PEE) 286 while((MCG->S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) != 0x0CU) { /* Wait until output of the PLL is selected */ 287 } 288 #endif 289 #if (((SYSTEM_SMC_PMCTRL_VALUE) & SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK) == (0x02U << SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT)) 290 SMC->PMCTRL = (uint8_t)((SYSTEM_SMC_PMCTRL_VALUE) & (SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK)); /* Enable VLPR mode */ 291 while(SMC->PMSTAT != 0x04U) { /* Wait until the system is in VLPR mode */ 292 } 293 #endif 294 295 #if defined(SYSTEM_SIM_CLKDIV2_VALUE) 296 SIM->CLKDIV2 = ((SIM->CLKDIV2) & (uint32_t)(~(SIM_CLKDIV2_USBFRAC_MASK | SIM_CLKDIV2_USBDIV_MASK))) | ((SYSTEM_SIM_CLKDIV2_VALUE) & (SIM_CLKDIV2_USBFRA C_MASK | SIM_CLKDIV2_USBDIV_MASK)); /* Selects the USB clock divider. */ 297 #endif 298 299 /* PLL loss of lock interrupt request initialization */ 300 if (((SYSTEM_MCG_C6_VALUE) & MCG_C6_LOLIE0_MASK) != 0U) { 301 NVIC_EnableIRQ(MCG_IRQn); /* Enable PLL loss of lock interrupt request */ 302 } 303 #endif 304 }
Seriously, this startup code scares me. I know that most of the parts are surrounded with #ifdefs but amount of "magic" values and general mess-codestyle really discourages me. Do I need all that stuff? There are big chances that for large project I do. However, I doubt I need them for lighting one LED. Let's start everything from scratch.
Getting started
Most steps below are specific to K64F, but you can find them helpful also as a general approach for bringing-up any board.
Assuming you have the hardware already:
- Download Reference Manual for Freedom K64 Sub-Family.
- Inspect "Table 4-1. System memory map":
- Notice, program code and read-only data (including exception vectors) are located between 0x00000000 and 0x07FFFFFF. RAM is split into two regions: 0x1FFF0000 0x1FFFFFFF and 0x20000000 0x2002FFFF.
- According to specs we have physically 1MB of flash and 256KB of RAM installed on the board. This gives us last actually available address for flash to be 0x00FFFFFF and indeed 0x2002FFFF as last address for RAM.
- You can now read more about SRAM split in the reference manual. For purpose of this article, we stick to upper region (the one starting at 0x20000000).
- Now, in many cases we would have all needed information. But in case of K64 family, we need to notice two more things. First one is "Flash configuration field". Refer to "29.3.1 Flash configuration field description" for details. In short words: addresses in flash between 0x00000400 and 0x000040C are very special. Values stored there configure other subsystems, so you cannot write it with your application data or code. Other thing is watchdog: "24.3.1 Unlocking and updating the watchdog". There is a following statement:
"Write 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 20 bus clock cycles to a specific unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK)".
We'll need this information later. - Now, if you don't know what vector table is, download ARM ARM for Cortex M4 (ARMv7-m) and see "B1.5.3 The vector table":
"The vector table contains the initialization value for the stack pointer, and the entry point addresses of each exception handler."
K64F expects vector table to be at address 0x00000000 by default.
Linker script
Because we're starting the project from scratch, we need to create our own linker script. Let's name it for example k64f.ld and start editing it:
1 MEMORY 2 { 3 ROM_VECTORS (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00000400 4 ROM_FLASH_CFG (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000400, LENGTH = 0x00000010 5 ROM_TEXT (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000410, LENGTH = 512K 6 RAM (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 192K 7 }
This part of linker script will define our target memory layout. In this example I choose 512K as size of ROM_TEXT, but remember you can increase it up to 1MB - ROM_VECTORS length - ROM_FLASH_CFG length. Generally, we see in the layout three regions in flash (vectors, config and code) and one region in RAM. This matches our observations from K64 Reference Manual. The names "ROM_VECTORS", "ROM_FLASH_CFG" etc. are chosen arbitrarily.
Now, we need to define which input section from input files will go to which output section of ELF:
"You use input section descriptions to tell the linker how to map the input files into your memory layout."
By default, compiler implicitly will create following input sections:
The main task we can do in the linker script is mapping input sections to output sections and creating our own symbols. Example linker script that places input sections "text" and "rodata" in the output section called "text" looks like this:
- text - for program code.
- rodata - for read-only data like constants.
- data - for initialized global variables.
- bss and COMMON - for uninitialized global variables.
Those are very basic sections that we can expect when we're not linking with standard library. Of course we can add explicitly our own custom sections for special purposes (we'll see later how). Our custom input sections will be:
- vectors - for storing vector table.
- flash_config - for storing K64F specific configuration data.
25 .text : 26 { 27 . = ALIGN(4); 28 *(.text*) 29 *(.rodata*) 30 . = ALIGN(4); 31 } > ROM_TEXT
This script also tells that output section "text" should be mapped into ROM_TEXT address (which was defined by us already). Above example shows also that we can align our counter to 4 bytes before processing input sections. Counter (dot) will be explained later. The main conclusion from above example is that all input sections named text* and rodata* will be placed in text output section.
Besides mapping input sections into output sections we can also declare global symbols in the linker script. Those symbols can be very useful. See for instance following example:
43 .bss : 44 { 45 . = ALIGN(4); 46 __bss_start__ = . ; 47 *(.bss*) 48 *(COMMON) 49 __bss_end__ = . ; 50 . = ALIGN(4); 51 } > RAM
We see here two custom symbols created: __bss_start__ and __bss_end__ (names chosen arbitrarily). Those symbols can be accessed from C code. The value of them is undetermined. However, the address of those symbols is defined and is equal to the value assigned to them in the linker script. In above example, assigned value was "." (dot). Dot is a special character in linker script syntax that holds current address of the processed memory layout. For example, before bss section was processed by linker, dot could be equal to 0x20000000. After that, depending of how many uninitialized global variables were in the input files, the bss and COMMON sections will "stretch" the address space accordingly. Let's say bss was 256 bytes long and COMMON was 256 bytes long as well. After processing those two sections, dot will have value 0x20000200 (512 bytes from 0x20000000). It means that symbol __bss_start__ will be created at address 0x20000000 and symbol __bss_end__ will be created at address 0x20000200. In C code (or through debugger) if you print value of __bss_start__you'll get garbage. If you print &__bss_start__ you'll get 0x20000000.
OK, so we know that in the linker script we can map input sections to output sections and that we can create our own symbols. We also know how can we create a memory layout. Here's complete linker script for our example project:
1 MEMORY 2 { 3 ROM_VECTORS (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00000400 4 ROM_FLASH_CFG (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000400, LENGTH = 0x00000010 5 ROM_TEXT (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000410, LENGTH = 512K 6 RAM (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 192K 7 } 8 9 SECTIONS 10 { 11 .vectors : 12 { 13 . = ALIGN(4); 14 *(.vectors) 15 . = ALIGN(4); 16 } > ROM_VECTORS 17 18 .flash_cfg : 19 { 20 . = ALIGN(4); 21 *(.flash_config) 22 . = ALIGN(4); 23 } > ROM_FLASH_CFG 24 25 .text : 26 { 27 . = ALIGN(4); 28 *(.text*) 29 *(.rodata*) 30 . = ALIGN(4); 31 } > ROM_TEXT 32 33 _sfdata = LOADADDR(.data); 34 .data : 35 { 36 . = ALIGN(4); 37 _sdata = .; 38 *(.data*) 39 _edata = .; 40 . = ALIGN(4); 41 } > RAM AT> ROM_TEXT 42 43 .bss : 44 { 45 . = ALIGN(4); 46 __bss_start__ = . ; 47 *(.bss*) 48 *(COMMON) 49 __bss_end__ = . ; 50 . = ALIGN(4); 51 } > RAM 52 53 _stack_top = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM); 54 }
It's very simplified linker script, without sections needed by standard library. What is also worth mentioning: because we need to create binary file as our output and because there is no ELF bootloader on the board, section data cannot be placed by linker directly at RAM. If we instruct it to do this, the output file will have ~512MB of size. This is because whole address space between code (around 0x00000000) and RAM (around 0x20000000) would be included as well. This is why we redirect it "AT > ROM_TEXT" (line 41). This is also why we create _sfdata symbol. The whole concept is to store data on the flash and copy it into RAM at startup. We don't need to do the same with bss section because it's actually an empty section (always). Instead, we will need to zero address space between _bss_start__ and __bss_end__ on startup manually. Last thing worth mentioning is that we have created _stack_top symbol at last accessible RAM address (at the end of RAM). We'll need it later.
Startup code
As we know from ARM ARM, processor will do two things upon starting:
- Load Stack Pointer with value stored at the beginning of vector table.
- Execute reset handler. Address to the reset handler is stored just after stack pointer in the vector table.
Our task is to prepare vector table and reset handler. In our example, we don't care about any exceptions beside the reset. In real-life scenario whole vector table must be implemented. Let's create file startup.s:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | .cpu cortex-m4 .thumb .section .vectors, "a" .word _stack_top .word _reset .section .flash_config, "a" .long 0xFFFFFFFF .long 0xFFFFFFFF .long 0xFFFFFFFF .long 0xFFFFFFFE .section .text .thumb_func .global _reset _reset: bl init bl main |
Above we can see how to create custom input sections (that we were talking about earlier), We've created vectors (line 4) and flash_config (line 8) input sections. As we see, vector table contains only two entries. The first one is an address of initial SP and will be generated by our linker script. The second one is an address of reset handler and is defined in the same file at line 17. Section flash_config contains values specific for K64F. You can decode them using Reference Manual. Note, last byte in this configuration is FE (line 12).
So, after connecting power-supply, processor will write into SP address of _stack_top symbol and will branch into init function. Let's create startup.c file:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | #define WDOG_STCTRLH (*(volatile short *)0x40052000u) #define WDOG_UNLOCK (*(volatile short *)0x4005200Eu) #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_MASK 0xFFFFu #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_SHIFT 0 #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_WIDTH 16 #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(x) (((short)(((short)(x))<<WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_SHIFT))&WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_MASK) #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WAITEN_MASK 0x80u #define WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_MASK 0x40u #define WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_MASK 0x10u #define WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_MASK 0x2u #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_MASK 0x3000u #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_SHIFT 12 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL(x) (((short)(((short)(x))<<WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_SHIFT))&WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_MASK) extern unsigned int _sfdata; extern unsigned int _edata; extern unsigned int _sdata; extern unsigned int __bss_start__; extern unsigned int __bss_end__; void init() { unsigned int *src, *dst; WDOG_UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(0xC520); WDOG_UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(0xD928); WDOG_STCTRLH = WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL(0x00) | WDOG_STCTRLH_WAITEN_MASK | WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_MASK | WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_MASK | WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_MASK | 0x0100U; src = &_sfdata; for(dst = &_sdata; dst < &_edata;) { *(dst++) = *(src++); } for(src = &__bss_start__; src < &__bss_end__;) { *(src++) = 0; } return; } |
What's happening here? Three things:
- Disable watchdog
- Copy data sections to RAM
- Zero bss section
That's all we need.
Values from lines 1-16 can be found in the Reference Manual. There are just a bunch of registers which need to be written in specific order to deactivate the watchdog. I've mentioned about it at the beginning.
Next thing we're doing is using _sfdata, _sdata and _edata symbols. All those symbols we've created in linker script. _sfdata is placed at address in flash where data section begins. _sdata is a symbol at address where data section should be placed in RAM. _edata is a symbol at address when data section should end.
Other symbols created in linker script (__bss_start__ and __bss_end__) are used as markers for address range which need to be zeroed. If we don't do this, our uninitialized global variables will have random values instead of expected zeros.
As we see at line 31 of startup.s file, after init function returns we branch to the main function. Create main.c file:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | #define SIM_SCGC5 (*(volatile int *)0x40048038) #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB 10 #define PORTB_PCR21 (*(volatile int *)0x4004A054) #define PORTB_PCR21_MUX 8 #define GPIOB_PDDR (*(volatile int *)0x400FF054) #define PIN_N 21 int main() { /* Enable clocks. */ SIM_SCGC5 |= 1 << SIM_SCGC5_PORTB; /* Configure pin 21 as GPIO. */ PORTB_PCR21 |= 1 << PORTB_PCR21_MUX; /* Configure GPIO pin 21 as output. * It will have a default output value set * to 0, so LED will light (negative logic). */ GPIOB_PDDR |= 1 << PIN_N; while(1); return 0; } |
Here we actually light the LED. Instead of using includes from SDK we just defined register addresses in place. Note, in this particular example volatile keyword is not crucial. However, in general use case you expect from compiler to always generate direct load/store instructions to those addresses instead of trying to keep them in registers. This is because this memory could be modified from exception handler.
So, we have almost everything done. We have following files: k64f.ld, startup.s, startup.c and main.c. Now, let's use k64f.ld as our linker script and compile together startup.s, startup.c and main.c. K64F expects the output file to be in binary format. We'll create the ELF file, and then we'll translate it into bin using tool called objcopy (I assume you have installed GCC ARM Embedded). Create Makefile:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc OBJCPY=arm-none-eabi-objcopy CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -nostdlib -g all: $(CC) startup.s startup.c main.c $(CFLAGS) -T k64f.ld -o simple.elf $(OBJCPY) simple.elf simple.bin -O binary clean: rm simple.* |
Option nostdlib will instruct linker to not include standard library. Using option -T we can point to our custom linker script. We'll have two files as output: simple.elf which can be used during debugging and simple.bin which can be uploaded to the board using standard OpenSDA interface. I encourage you to check by yourself how the generated simple.elf file looks internally by issuing arm-none-eabi-objdump -D simple.elf command.
That's it. The minimal working GCC setup for K64F consists of just couple small files. It's a good starting point for developing more complex projects as well as a good exercise before analyzing large SDKs.
The project is available on bitbucket.